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  4. Referees Form


You can do this online or download a writable PDF to make a start before transferring the information to this online form. PDF Version Available here.




When asking your referee to complete this form, please ensure you advise them of where they can find the job description relevant to the position to enable them to understand the role you are applying for.


To the referree:


Your name has been given as a person able to comment on the applicant's qualities as a teacher / leader.  The information you supply will be used solely as evaluative material to assist in determining the applicant's suitability in relation to other applicants and will be confidential to those directly involved in the appointments process.


This report will not be disclosed to the applicant unless prior consent has been given, in writing.

Applicant name *
Vacancy number *
Closing date for this application
Referees details
Full name *
Phone number (work)
Phone number (home) *
Your email address: *
Please state your current position, how long you have known the applicant and in what capacity:
Professional Practice
Please list what you have observed to be this person's five most notable teaching / leading strengths (1 being your assessment of most notable strength)
What are the two most notable qualities this person demonstrates when interacting with children?
This person could develop their teaching / leadership further by (apart from gaining a permanent / full time position):
Some of the innovative things that I have seen this person do are:
Professional Relationships
In a teaching team this person is often:
Describe this person's style of communicating with colleagues:
Describe this person's style of communicating with parents and the community:
In a difference of opinion or conflict situation, I would expect this person to:
Personal Qualities
Please use five (5) single words to describe the applicant"
Name the things that you believe bring out the best in this person:
What would you consider is the best way to manage this person? *
Using the job specification provided and your own knowledge of the position for which the applicant is applying, please state the suitability of the applicant for it (in relation to other staff, the kindergarten, community or other aspects):
Please comment on any personal attributes of the applicant which you consider relevant:
Future Use
Please indicate whether or not you agree to this reference being held on file for a maximum of 12 months in order that it can be used with future applications to this Association for vacancies of a similar nature.
I certify to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this referee's report is a factual representation of the applicant and her/his abilities. *

Ready to submit? Double check everything is in order


We can’t process incomplete or invalid applications, so please ensure you have read the application information and FAQs here, and that you:

Haven’t missed the closing date and cut-off time (no late applications can be accepted, sorry)


Have an ECE qualification, current practising certificate and current first aid certificate 


Have completed the right application form 


Understand  that If you are appointed to a permanent kindergarten role, you may be required to work over term breaks if the hours of operation change


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Kidsfirst Kindergartens, PO Box 8089, Christchurch 8440
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