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Kindergarten Teacher / Head Teacher

Application Form


Before completing this form please read it through carefully, taking note also of information on the Education Gazette website with the kindergarten advertisements.  Late applications will not be accepted.


A copy of your completed application form for your records, will be sent to your email address if provided. 


Any supporting material to accompany this application (not required) must be forwarded to careers@kidsfirst.org.nz to arrive no later than the closing date for this vacancy.  If posting documentation, do not enclose material that is bound and ensure it is on A4 paper, as this will be copied for the panel.


When authorized by the applicant, attachments to this application form will be retained by the Association for a maximum of 12 months.  It is your responsibility to ensure that this material if being used is being held on file.

1. Applicant
Full name *
Preferred Name:
Former name (if any)
Address *
Phone number *
Mobile number *
Email address *
2. Position
Vacancy number *
Applying for more than one position - please advise which combination of positions or kindergartens
Position *
Teacher registration number *
Type of Teacher Registration
Date Teacher Registration Expires: *
Current First Aid Certificate *
Expiry Date of First Aid Certificate *
3. Qualifications
Early childhood
Date Qualification Achieved
Post graduate (teaching related)
Date Qualification Achieved
Date Qualification Achieved
4. Professional development
Detail any tertiary study / short courses you are currently enrolled in:
Detail any professional development you have completed in the last 3 years, relevant to the vacancy you are applying for:
5. Employment history

Current employment

Kindergarten / Centre
Association / Employer
Dates From and To

Past teaching positions held

Position 1
Kindergarten / Centre
Association / Employer
Dates From and To
Position 2
Kindergarten / Centre
Association / Employer
Dates From and To
Position 3
Kindergarten / Centre
Association / Employer
Dates From and To
Other relevant positions held
Kindergarten / Centre
Association / Employer
Dates From and To
6. Length of teaching service

Total number of years and months in permanent kindergarten positions:

Senior Teacher
Head Teacher

Total number of years and months in other permanent early childhood positions:

Assistant Supervisor

Total number of years and months in six weeks or longer continuous relieving positions:


Senior Teacher
Head Teacher


Other (please specify)
7. Relevant experience other than teaching in an early childhood centre/kindergarten
Please detail
8. Overall suitability for the position

In relation to your personal qualities and the extent to which you believe you would work well with the staff and the kindergarten / community concerned. Using the selection criteria set out in the job specification for this position, please outline the ways in which you meet the requirements for this role.


Curriculum and teaching requirements for this position

Please detail the strengths you have specific to the curriculum and teaching areas required, including articulating specific examples of you putting these strengths into practice (what did you do, what were the outcomes):

Relationships with children

Please detail the strengths you have specific to relationships with children, particularly those groups identified in the person specification, including articulating specific examples of you putting these strengths into practice (what did you do, what were the outcomes):

Meeting the community requirements for this position

Please detail the strengths you have specific to meeting the community requirements as noted in the job description, including articulating specific examples of you putting these strengths into practice (what did you do, what were the outcomes):

Working as part of a teaching team

Please detail the strengths you have working as part of a teaching team, including articulating specific examples of situations you have been part of, and the role you have played in teams (what did you do, what were the outcomes):

Personal characteristics sought for this position

Referring specifically to the person specification, detail any additional strengths you have relevant to this position, including articulating examples of you putting these strengths into practice where relevant (what did you do, what were the outcomes):
9. Criminal conviction
Have you ever been convicted of any offence against the law (apart from minor traffic convictions)?
If yes please provide brief details
10. Health

Have you any disabilities or medical conditions which:

  • May prevent or restrict you from performing any aspect of the job for which you are applying
  • May require specific accommodation by the employer or other staff to enable you to perform the job
  • May have an impact on the health and safety of yourself, other employees, the children or parents attending the place of work
If yes, please provide brief details
11. Referees reports

You may arrange for the provision of up to three referee reports from persons able to provide comment on your professional work. Referee reports must be on the prescribed form which is available to be completed and submitted online. Please note that references gathered for other purposes (i.e., relieving roles) which are not on the prescribed form will not be available for this purpose.


Subject to the approval of the referees concerned, referee report forms will be held on file at the Association office for a maximum of 12 months. They may, at your request, be used for subsequent applications to the Association. It is your responsibility to ensure that the previous referee reports are held on file at the Association office when making an application for a particular vacancy.


Referee reports to be used with this application (please indicate whether you believe these are held on file from a previous application within 12 months):

Held on file?
Held on file?
Held on file?
12. Personal information disclosure authority

By submitting this application I hereby authorise the collection of personal information from any current or previous employer, training establishment or other agency or individual, for the purpose of determining my suitability for the kindergarten position for which I am applying, without further reference to me. Please specify any agency or individual to who you DO NOT wish an approach to be made in relation to this application

N.B. Your authority is required in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993

13. Future use

Please indicate whether you want the supporting documents to this application form held on file for a maximum of 12 months in order that they can be used with future applications for vacancies of a similar nature.


Please note that incorrect or misleading information or the omission of important information may disqualify you from appointment, or, if appointed to the position, make you liable for dismissal.


By submitting this application you are certifying that to the best of your knowledge all information provided in this application is true and correct


Ready to submit? Double check everything is in order


We can’t process incomplete or invalid applications, so please ensure you have read the application information and FAQs here, and that you:

Haven’t missed the closing date and cut-off time (no late applications can be accepted, sorry)


Have an ECE qualification, current practising certificate and current first aid certificate 


Have completed the right application form 


Have completed up to 3 referee reports


Understand  that If you are appointed to a permanent kindergarten role, you may be required to work over term breaks if the hours of operation change


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03 338 1303
0800 KIDSFIRST (0800 454 373)
Kidsfirst Kindergartens, PO Box 8089, Christchurch 8440
Christchurch Content Mangement Website